KEY 1: Courtesy / Reishiki


Gratefulness / Rei- "The Bow"

Treat & Be Treated with Courtesy & Respect

Greet Everyone

Be Correct. Be On Time. Pay Your Debts

No Talking/Socializing During Classes

Cleanliness / Kireizuki

Be Clean. Clean Clothes, Cut Nails on Fingers & Toes

No Shoes on Mat, Wear Slippers on Common Areas

Keep Home & Dojo Clean

No Eating, Drinking, Gum or Jewelry

Neat & Clean Official Attire Only

Self-Control / Jisei

Attitude / Taido

Posture / Shesei

Focus, Intensity / Kime

Initiative / Sen

Center / Hara, Tanden, Ki

Eye To Eye / Getting Along with Others


Following Instructions/Directions

Speak Up- Use Your Voice

Self Respect

Respecting Others & Their Property

Meaning of the Bow: "Rei" translates as "Gratefulness"

"Giving Courtesy"

Courtesy is the same as greeting someone with honor and respect. As we shake hands in the west, we bow or "give courtesy" in the far east.


"Rei" actually means "expressing gratitude" in Japanese.


So when we hear the phrase "sensei ni rei!" and we are told it means "bow to sensei" this is not entirely correct. Perhaps a better translation would be- "show one who came before us gratitude!"


Essentially, when you bow it is actually a display of gratitude, usually to an elder or benefactor and not an act of worship as it has been so often maligned and mistaken for.

In our martial art community "Courtesy" is used as a catch-phrase for all concepts of gratitude and respect, especially towards parents, siblings, family, friends, classmates, co-workers and community.


So when you hear us urge students to "give courtesy" what we are really suggesting is that we should show our gratitude to others for sharing of themselves with us and to show that we don't take them for granted.